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QVC Reviews

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Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with QVC. Review this merchant
QVC Reviews
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QVC payments for TopCashback
It’s good that qvc offer different rates of cashback on various products I just do not understand why it takes so long to receive it over 26 weeks come on QVC get your act together
  Jules 61 | 15 Nov 2023 Report Abuse
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Late payment
I had to wait for months to get the payment into my account
  MC172 | 10 Nov 2023 Report Abuse
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Don't pay-up cashback - waste of time
Cashback declined, reported to TCB, QVC falsely claimed I used a promo code when did not. Waste of time
  cripley1 | 06 Nov 2023 Report Abuse
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??fast payout
??fast payout
  mark_mackey | 29 Oct 2023 Report Abuse
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QVC is a fabulous shopping destination the selection of products available is amazing, prices excellent especially the TSV's, customer service is second to none delivery is a breeze via Courier and to top it all off you get cashback what's not to love!!!
  DexStar11 | 25 Oct 2023 Report Abuse
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QVC payouts
QVC give a half decent level of cash back but why do you have to wait so long for it to materialise 26 weeks I’d a ridiculous amount of time 12 weeks is acceptable when actually most retailers pay out about 8 weeks come on QVC up your game!!!
  Jules 61 | 15 Oct 2023 Report Abuse
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Still waiting for cashback after 7 months
Bought goods from QVC in February 2023. 7, almost 8 months later I am still waiting for my cashback to be paid out. Have a claim that has has no update since June. Very poor.
  JoolsM300 | 04 Oct 2023 Report Abuse
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very slow payout
good company to deal with BUT very slow payout
  donkeys1 | 02 Oct 2023 Report Abuse
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Not really sure it’s worth it
I’m not really sure that you get the proper percentage when I shop with QVC and I spent £166 on one item got a little cashback bought several things but the cashback always seems to be very low some of them say 10% other 5% And when I try to work it out barely one percent
  Ralph1953 | 25 Sep 2023 Report Abuse
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Slow to payout
Through website & TopCashback
  mark_mackey | 24 Sep 2023 Report Abuse
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slow response
I adore a lot of goods being sold at QVC, but their pay out is ridiculously slow. They offer a 60 day money back guarantee, so can understand that they would wait until after those 60 days to pay out, but 26 weeks????? Fail to understand why they need 6 months to settle the payment, so am left very disappointed by this.
  ARobbins2019 | 19 Sep 2023 Report Abuse
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QVC cash back
The money comes eventually but why you have to wait 26 weeks and that’s a quick result:( I have waited longer come on QVC improve the time from purchase to receipt of cash please
  Jules 61 | 13 Sep 2023 Report Abuse
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Did not pay out, only retailer I have had issues with
Cashback tracked ok but 3 months later, rejected for no reason. This is the only retailer I have had an issue where there was no reason for it to reject, seems they just dont pay out. Would not recommend.
  neilbradleyuk | 06 Sep 2023 Report Abuse
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Rejected every time!
Will do anything to stop you getting your cashback. Cant prove you've not done everything possible. Just wont pay out. Disappointing.
  seaborel | 06 Sep 2023 Report Abuse
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very slow payout
very slow payout and sometimes have had to raise dispute through TCB
  donkeys1 | 21 Aug 2023 Report Abuse
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Quick payout
Quick payout
  mark_mackey | 21 Aug 2023 Report Abuse
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Why so long to wait?
I am a regular shopper with QVC and so am aware of the 60 day money back guarantee which means that shopping with them really is risk free. Why is the cashback not payable for a further 4 months? I could understand if the cashback is not payable until after the money back guarantee period ends, but this feels like an unnecessarily long wait.
  ingridfpd | 19 Aug 2023 Report Abuse
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Long waits for cash back.
I have been waiting two years for my cash back from QVC resulting in topcashback stepping in and honouring the cash back and paying me from their pocket. Even though all the purchasing criteria were met. Thank you topcashback
  Jason_neil | 19 Aug 2023 Report Abuse
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Love the channel not keen on the cashback
Love QVC but oodles from them I find their customer service to be exemplary however they are shockingly slow at paying cash back and I have had to raise queries on 2 transactions to get any cashback.
  Xmaslady | 20 Jul 2023 Report Abuse
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QVC cashback review
QVC have been very slow in acknowledging cash back when they finally do it takes 26 weeks to pay very slow and I do not understand why as the returns policy is 60 days so even if they left it 90 days then cash return time is halved giving you more incentive to spend with this retailer.Also I have had to raise several tickets to chase cash-back again it takes months and then you run out of time due to their poor response times not yours . Get with the program QVC other retailers are far more responsive!!
  Jules 61 | 09 Jul 2023 Report Abuse
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Great but takes along time to get cashback
Not sure why it takes so long to get the cash back from QVC, but worth waiting for
  sunnyjue | 08 Jul 2023 Report Abuse
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Absolutely dire!
I have waited for MONTHS for QVC cashback to become payable. Goodness knows I spend enough money with them. There was a spate where they did not even bother to acknowledge via Topcashback that my cashback had tracked. Just dire.
  whitehairandbigteeth | 04 Jul 2023 Report Abuse
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Dishonest and misleading
Despite having screenshots of offers and cashback offered the retailer, whilst accepting that the transaction took place, sees fit to pay a greatly reduced amount. Clear dishonesty and underhand dealings. Most disreputable company.
  Scottishminnie | 18 Jun 2023 Report Abuse
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Happens, but takes a long time
Cash back nearly 10 months to get to payable.
  John28 | 14 Jun 2023 Report Abuse
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slow payout
very slow payout
  donkeys1 | 13 Jun 2023 Report Abuse
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