If you are an avid traveller or love to enjoy the outdoors, Rohan offer functional and durable outdoor clothing for every journey. Whether it is outdoor and travel clothing, footwear or equipment you are looking for, they make gear which will keep you protected and comfortable in the world's wildest places. Established in 1972, Rohan are the original climate clothing specialists. They design and manufacture lightweight, packable and easy to care for performance clothing for all climates.
As a Rohan customer, you will benefit from a quality guarantee, while you can have your order delivered to one of their stores for free. Take a look at the Offers section of the website and you will find Rohan sale items, including accessories and men's clearance and women's clearance items. While on the subject of great deals, if you sign up to TopCashback via this page, you could get a little money back when shopping for men's Rohan waterproofs, women's clothes or a technical down coat designed for cold weather. You may even find Rohan discount codes.

Outdoor Clothing
The Rohan men's and women's clothing collections are packed with items designed using the latest technologies and materials, and you can take a look at their new arrivals if you want to get your hands on the latest outdoor gear. If you are shopping for Rohan trousers ideal for walking, travelling or climbing up mountains, you are sure to find the perfect pair, while they also sell jeans and slacks. Their technical waterproof jacket and trouser collection is full of items offering performance, comfort and the highest levels of breathability, while if you need something which will keep you warm, they have insulation clothing for dry-cold or damp-cold conditions. These are filled with premium natural down and Insuloft — their advanced synthetic insulating wadding — respectively.
Discover super-technical, trekking mid-layers through to relaxed fleece for cold-weather travel, while you will also find base layers and underwear. Rohan have jackets for every scenario, from totally waterproof and highly breathable examples, like their Elite jacket, and the Cloudcover Overhead jacket to smart suit jackets. The collection of tops includes everything from lightweight, fast-drying and crease-resistant shirts to functional polos and relaxed T-shirts. Pick up some high-tech shorts perfect for enjoying the outdoors in the summer, while the women's Rohan clothing collection also includes linen-blend dresses and skirts.