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Red Carnation Hotels Reviews
Reviews and experiences from TopCashback members who have shopped with Red Carnation Hotels.
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Red Carnation Hotels Reviews
Short term thinking, long term loss.
No reponse back from Red Carnation for an order made in December 2022.
I visit London regularly, and have stopped visiting Red Carnation hotels due to their complete lack of customer service in this instance and also their dubious pricing policies.
I realise the claim will never track and they may have saved hundreds, but in actuality they've lost thousands.
sgm1979 | 01 May 2024
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claim declined twice over two despite rechecking booking with hotel direct
Purchase did not track but was recorded. Took over 2 years and two claims despite going back to hotel to reconfirm the booking refs and get a further confirmatory email that stay had taken place. Value was over £50. TCB comms and efforts seemed good. The only hole in the process is not being able to forward proof of stay.
Mabjm | 17 Mar 2024
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Did not track / 3 months without a response
Cashback did not track, and it's now over 3 months without a response from Red Carnation to a missing cashback claim.
sgm1979 | 29 May 2023
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