February Update

Posted on 05 Feb 2009 Posted in
Become a TopCashback member for cashback, deals and more free perks. Join TopCashback Free

Hi all,


Even through all this snow, Top CashBack have managed to make it into the office every day this week, so we thought we’d give you an update on what’s been happening.


We have been working hard on resolving old claims and where there appeared to be little chance of tracking down a payment directly, we have paid it from our own pocket. We believe that we have now resolved all transactions up to the 2nd half of 2007.


We have been chasing up eBay claims and they have all been submitted to the merchant so we are awaiting responses on those.


A few current issues which we are aware of and are being worked on to be resolved soon are:

·         AA Uk Breakdown – Cashback still showing at lower amount than expected.

·         Sky Digital – November transactions changing status.

·         Esure/Sheilas Wheels/Asda Finance – Delayed payments.


The prizes from the Christmas competition (over 105!) are now in the process of being dispatched, so we hope all you lucky members will receive them soon!


With Valentines around the corner, we hope you saw Monday’s newsletter with some of our best offers and suggestions for gifts and treats!


We just thought it was worth reminding you that the more friends you tell about us, the more money you can actually make...


If you refer a friend to Top CashBack and they go on to make £5, you will earn a £2.50 referral fee.


So, how can I do it?


·         Refer your best friend/mum/neighbour to Top CashBack using the referral system in your account.

·         Possibly suggest to them how they can make £5, Tesco.com - £10 for a groceries order, Equifax - £5 for a free credit report, or cashback on any general shopping, the possibilities are endless.

·         Once they have earnt £5, just sit back and wait and the £2.50 referral bonus will appear in your account.

·         So now you’re helping your friends save money and you are earning money yourself!


We are committed to providing cashback on the widest range of retailers, so if you have any suggestions for new retailers which you would like to see on Top CashBack please send them to us using the enquiry system and we will endeavour to add them.


Thanks for your continued loyalty to Top CashBack and don’t forget, we are the Uk’s most generous cashback site and actually pay up to 110% cashback and do not charge any fees!




Top CashBack

14 April 2009, 21:15 Asda has been on the blog as "delayed payment" as long as I can remember.

As a customer who is on the receiving end of this delayed payment, it is very frustrating.

When does a moment come when TopCashback take the issue in their hands to assist us?
iamtwentyeight15 February 2009, 13:13 Just want to enter orange free mobile comp.
I would love to be proud owner of a Samsung Pixon

As I close my eyes, to fall asleep, my thoughts are of you
And, as I wake the following morn. My thoughts are still of you and always will forever and ever cos I love you so.

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