Winston Manor, Cotswolds

Create unforgettable memories in one of our handpicked luxury holiday homes

We care about people and the planet

Why Book with Us

Book with Confidence

Our properties are handpicked and inspected in person before listing, and we regularly review them for quality control and your peace of mind.

Best Price Guarantee

We only work with the best owners, so in the rare event you find one of our properties listed elsewhere for less, we’ll refund you the difference. *

Exceptional Service

Our award-winning Guest Services team will not only help you find your dream holiday but will support you through every step of your stay.

Properties by Type

All our luxury cottages have been handpicked and inspected in person by one of our luxury experts. From beautifully designed barn conversions to cosy thatched cottages, modern homes with state-of-the-art facilities to magnificent country manor houses, we have a stylish property to suit you, whatever you’re looking for.

Trending Collections

Take a look at our most searched collections. These are our most popular types of holidays that people are looking for right now. So, if you see something you like, it’s best to book soon to secure your perfect dates.

Popular Destinations

Our luxury experts travel the length and breadth of the UK to find the very best luxury cottages for you to stay in. They have tested everything from quaint cottages to grand manor houses so that you can enjoy a luxurious escape, wherever you choose to go.

If you know what part of the UK you want to visit, browse our luxury holiday cottages by location, from Cornwall to Scotland.

As featured in

As seen in Forbes
Beach Manor

Let with us

“All the benefits of a large agency delivered by a small and friendly team”

Letting your holiday property is not just about generating income. Whether it’s your much-loved second home or an investment that you’ve painstakingly restored, we believe that every property we represent deserves as much care from us as it receives from you.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about any of our cottages or if you’d like some help with your booking, you are very welcome to get in touch with us.

We are always happy to help and go out of our way to tailor your perfect UK holiday.

Call Us
0121 517 0350
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 4pm
Head Office
Luxury Cottages, C/o WeWork, 55 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2AA